The Quote Every Day Calendar
Promotional Ideas
The sample promotional concepts described below show how you can concurrently build your brand and can streamline the communication between you and your target constituency -whether it is your customer, partner, shareholder or employee.
By leveraging the Quote Every Day Calendar you get the reach you expect from a targeted marketing campaign and the interactivity expected in the Internet era. No other promotional approach can deliver the breakthrough results that EyeOpener Software can. Better communication means you can:
o Reduce your cost to acquire new customers
o Increase your effectiveness, build buzz
o Lower your support costs
o Build stronger partnerships
The Quote Every Day Branding Package
The basic package includes the QED Calendar on CDs labled with your logo as pictured at right. Once the software is loaded onto your users PC (Microsoft Windows 95 through XP and no minimum hardware requirement), your logo is displayed on the screen along with the Quote of the Day.. The software also supports one hyperlink back to your home page or to one specified page on your web site. There are additional packaging options such as CDs in the shape of business cards or jewel cases to protect the CD. Please contact us or your Advertising Specialty Distributor for more information.
Promotion Ideas
Once the Quote Every Day Calendar is loaded, the user is instructed that clicking your logo will take them to your web site. This can work in countless settings:
o Annual User conferences or events
Hand out the QED Calendar at this year's event, and the
hyperlink can take customers to the registration page
for the following year's event.
o Training Schedules
Include with purchase of new package or new service
and point customers to training schedules on your web
o Support Information
Make people aware of your outstanding support by
providing your contact information and connecting them
to the FAQ part of your web site.
o Seasonal Sales Promotions
Augment existing seasonal promotional campaigns - like
back-to-school or holidays- and the customer can hit a
your landing page and be re-directed to the current
seasonal promotion on your web site.
o Partner Announcements
Get your new partner up to speed quickly and keep your
company in the front of their mind by getting the
QED Calendar in their hands and then linking their sales
teams to the partner areas/ partner collateral areas of
your web site.
o Other